Mastering Security by Design with DevSecOps: A proactive approach for 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of business and technology, security has become a critical aspect that can no longer be treated as an afterthought.

Anton Lindberg

The challenge – silos

Security challenges arise when development teams and security groups operate in silos, hindering the efficient flow of features into production and prolonging the resolution of security bugs. To address this, a common goal must be established, fostering collaboration between development and security teams. Rebecca Hammel, Head of Application Development at Forefront, emphasizes that for them, security is an integral part of the regular DevOps process, requiring a cultural shift as much as a technical one.

Security by Design

DevSecOps emerges as a solution that enables organizations to identify vulnerabilities early in the development process, allowing for prompt resolution. By incorporating security considerations during the planning stage, a more robust and stable solution is achieved, characterized by being secure by design. This approach minimizes the workload in development processes and implementation phases, ultimately resulting in a more secure system or product.

"Methods and processes will never solve everything"

Forefront's Initiative: In 2023, Forefront took proactive steps to enhance the skills of its consultants in secure system development. Rebecca underscores the importance of staying updated on DevSecOps and Security by Design, noting that more than 250 system developers at Forefront are participating in an extensive skills boost. This initiative ensures that consultants can meet evolving security expectations from customers and stay at the forefront of their field.

How to implement Security by Design - 3 tips:

For successful implementation of Security by Design, organizations should focus on three key areas: culture, processes, and tools.


  • Build collaborative relationships between teams, breaking down silos.
  • Provide security training for both technology teams and other organizational members.
  • Identify and empower security enthusiasts within the organization.
  • Emphasize solutions and continuous learning from mistakes.


  • Integrate security considerations from the idea and design phase.
  • Prioritize and resolve security bugs systematically.
  • Programmable and automated security controls enhance efficiency.
  • Establish a DevSecOps feedback process for continuous improvement.


  • Develop script/tool templates for each programming language and platform.
  • Seamlessly integrate security into the DevOps flow.
  • Encourage experimentation with new tools and technologies.

Embracing Security by Design through the DevSecOps approach is crucial for building robust and secure solutions. By addressing cultural, process, and tool-related aspects, organizations can ensure a proactive stance towards security, meeting the expectations of both customers and employees in the dynamic landscape of 2024. Your security is our priority, and together, we can shape a future where innovation and protection go hand in hand. Want to learn more? Reach out!


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